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HTML Web Link
payQuake Software Web Link is a secure online payment-processing system that allows Internet-based businesses to authorize, process and manage credit card transactions directly from their Web site. There are no worries about the complicated software, hardware and expertise normally associated with enabling e-commerce.
payQuake Software Web Link works in one of two ways: It either captures the necessary customer information (name, credit card number, etc.) from a merchant’s own secure transaction page, or it displays a customizable transaction page hosted on an payQuake Software secure server, for the customer to fill out.
The customer’s information is encrypted using 40- or 128-bit Secure Socket Layer technology and sent to an payQuake Software transaction server. The server sends the data through the authorization network to the appropriate card issuer's bank, using a secure, proprietary connection.
When the authorization process is complete -- this takes around five seconds -- the customer receives an approval or decline response and the payQuake Software server stores the transaction. Transactions are automatically settled each day and are typically funded within two to three business days.
Merchants can check the status of transactions or run reports on past activity by going to the payQuake Software Web site and logging on to their own password-protected payQuake Software site. Online businesses also can use the payQuake Software Virtual Terminal to enter payment information manually if customers prefer to call in their credit card information.
Linking a merchant's Web site to the payQuake Software payQuake Software Web Link system is simple. The merchant's Web site designer or developer simply inserts a few lines of HTML code (which we provide) onto the transaction page. payQuake Software supports most available shopping cart software so it integrates easily with most e-commerce solutions.