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 Payment Gateway
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 Credit Cards
 Recurring Billing
 Wireless Devices

ACH Check Service
 ACH Checks
 Check Guarantee
 Check Conversion
 Card Present
 Debit Cards
 ACH Equipment

Shopping Carts
Compatible Carts
 HTML Weblink
 Ebay Users

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Membership / Subscription Billing Membership system automates the entire process of selling login/password accounts for members-only web sites. Want to add restricted access to your site, but worried about the work involved in adding members to the database, billing active members, deleting cancelled members, etc.? Let do it for you!

This service allows customers to securely purchase products and services using their existing checking or savings account while allowing businesses to expand their online payment options beyond credit cards. is a pioneer in the transaction processing arena, and we continue to consistently provide our customers with leading edge products, ensuring every competitive advantage.


  • Flexible membership profiles - Merchants can configure different membership subscription profiles and allow the consumer to select the one that fits their need. For example, your customers could select to be billed monthly at one rate, or pick an annual fee at a different rate.
  • Real-time payment authorization - Payment information is validated in real-time, giving your customers quick access to your site while assuring that their payment can be processed.
  • Automated password management - No programming or manual intervention is necessary. Once a customer successfully signs up, their userid/password is automatically added to the database and they're ready to access your site. Password reminder and cancellation forms are available via online forms, saving you time and money.
  • Detailed reporting - Detailed history of each customer accessing your site is available online via the payQuake web site. Easy to use menus let you manage your subscriber database: You can view a customer's billing history, reset their password, cancel their subscription, and more.

Note: Membership services are not included in the base payment gateway product. Additional fees may apply.

The payQuake Software Includes Free Tools to Process Credit Cards Through Your Website

GET payQuake TODAY!  -  TOLL FREE (866) 443-8367   -   EMAIL

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payQuake Payment Gateway and Virtual Terminal - 3651 East Baseline Road, Suite 222, Gilbert, AZ 85234
Toll Free (866) 443-8367 - - Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved.